The President MTI EA appoints members of this board and Regional

Representative of MTI International in Africa, from a list of qualified professional mediators with more than five years’ experience, who are also qualified mediation tutors. They serve for duration of three years and they offer voluntary and honorary service.

The board is responsible for the ongoing development, maintenance and review of the professional mediators and the Mediators Directory.

The board amends the list of Certified/Accredited mediators as required;

  1. Oversees the application of the Approval and Practice Standards with a view to achieving consistency, quality and public protection regarding mediation services and mediation certification,
  2. Supports, complements and encourages professional mediators in their efforts to meet their responsibilities in relation to the Standards
  3. Promotes progressive development in the training and certification of mediators and the quality of mediation services;  requires records to be maintained of mediators who are certified under the Standards
  4. Carries out other functions and activities that are necessary or incidental to the above.