Panel of Mediators Qualification Criteria
“Who will be my mediator?” This is the single most important question parties ask once they have agreed to mediate. Qualified mediators are the heart of the mediation process and the MTI E.A is committed to offering a Panel of Mediators in which parties can have the utmost confidence. For this reason, we have established the following minimum qualification criteria applicants must meet in order to be considered for acceptance to the MTI E.A’s Panel of Mediators.
General Experience
A minimum of 5 years’ experience in business, industry or a profession
Educational degree (s) and/or professional Diploma(s) appropriate to applicant’s field of expertise
Mediator Training & Experience
Applicants must meet BOTH of the following minimum requirements:
Training: Applicant must be able to document — by either a certificate of completion or a letter from the training organization—the completion of at least 50 total hours of training in mediation process skills encompassing the following
Topics: Covered the MTI E.A Professional mediation syllabus or a program with at least the following topics:-conflict theory, negotiation, The mediation process, issues identification, generating options, Caucusing, managing party interaction, ethics, impasse strategies, process obstacles ,settlement barriers role of the mediator, and simulated mediation role-plays providing performance-based evaluation
Experience: Applicant must be able to document* ONE of the following:
- Has served as a mediator on at least five mediation cases, in the applicant’s primary field of expertise, filed privately or through a court system over the last one calendar year. OR
- Has served informally in the role of a mediator on at least four different occasions over the last two calendar years (documentation required*). “Informal” mediations are defined as those that are privately arranged but not conducted under the auspices of an ADR provider or assigned through a court mediation program. Examples of informal mediations would be situations such as resolving disputes among business partners, employees or industry colleagues in the normal course of business.
- Membership in at least one business, trade or professional association.
Due to the confidential nature of mediation, the only documentation MTI E.A requires is the contact information (name and telephone number) of the advocates who appeared before the applicant in the mediations. In cases of self-represented parties, an applicant may use the party’s contact information only if the party has waived any applicable provision of confidentiality