While conducting mediation among disputing parties emotions tend to arise and as a mediator It’s critical to understand that the parties’ emotions will range from rage, fear, grief, embarrassment, frustration, and even exhaustion to elation, fulfillment, and admiration. Mediators are frequently placed in a paradoxical position: on the one hand, they must encourage and empathize with productive and often emotional emotions, while still being obligated to remain fair and objective throughout mediation sessions. You don’t have to be a mediator to understand that emotional concerns are at the root of most disputes. The following include some of the tips you can use as a mediator when dealing with emotions during the mediation process

  1.     Create a comfortable environment

Creating a safe and comfortable environment for both parties is known as a great start to dealing with emotions. This could be as simple as designing a seating  arrangement that  creates a safe space for the disputing parties to talk about their issues. Building trust among them also requires you to remind them that the process is confidential and whatever you will discuss at that particular location will remain there.

  1.     Recognize emotions as opportunity

Emotional expression  is known to be a great way to learn more about a situation and  being able to  recognize  that as  opportunity  can  make it part of your journey through conflict with the parties while assisting the parties in expressing and managing emotions in mediation. When they let out a certain emotion guide them through it to enable them to be able to express why they are feeling that particular emotion

  1.     Allow both parties to let it all out without interfering 

Sometimes the best way to deal with emotions is to sit back and watch both parties let it all out. It is often said that there is logic in emotions. It might be difficult to mediate a conflict between angry or unhappy participants, yet allowing the conflict to play out can also help them settle it more efficiently. Before you stop the tension from forming by yelling at each other or expressing your displeasure, take a moment to see where it might go. Sit back  and let it all unfold 

  1.     Remind both parties of the end goal

When it comes to mediation the end goal is often resolution and parties who seek mediation centre services also want their disputes to be solved. It is important to remind them this in the event they bring up past events and how that made each of them feel. High emotion expression has a lot of potential power. Even outbursts of rage can be beneficial. If, however, the talk becomes unproductive, pull the parties back to the present by asking them about their immediate needs and wants, as well as what they can do to create their future.


When resolving conflicts between parties, emotions are bound to surface, and it is vital to ensure that you are able to complete the process while also managing your emotions. As a mediator, the first step is to create a secure environment for your clients, remind both sides of the end goal, recognize emotions as an opportunity to understand the root of the problem, and finally, you can let the clients express their entire range of emotions. You can learn all this by undertaking professional mediation training program offered by Mediation Training Institute East Africa.

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